The King and Queen of Green, Rachelle Carson & Ed Begley Jr., will come out to celebrate the Grand Opening of the Fractal Gallery in West LA
The Fractal Gallery: Grand Opening
An eclectic collection of eco-beauty
May 23, 2012 is the date for the Grand Opening of The Fractal Gallery in West Los Angeles. The Fractal Gallery will house a variety of eco-luxury items inspired by nature and art including gallery owner Eric R. Doolin’s exquisite paintings. Eric’s oil paintings explore the nature of nature, while ecologically conscious furniture conserves it. On display, Doolin's painting that took 3rd place in the painting category at the 2011 Florence Biennale. Since this prestigious award Eric has been invited to display his work at the Dublin Biennial 2012 Exhibition of Contemporary Art, June 16 –24.
Eric R. Doolin is one of Southern California’s most talented young artists. Whether he’s creating one of his breath-taking oil paintings or designing a beautiful piece of eco-friendly furniture made from hempboard and hemp fabric, his work is truly brilliant and easily captures one’s attention. Doolin is compelled by a philosophical take on the relevance of nature in our visual and spiritual lives. As a result of combining his passion for art and nature he has been creating one masterpiece after the next. Some hang on the wall, while others provide a place to sit back and relax.
On May 23rd Doolin will celebrate the opening of his first Los Angeles gallery, a higher-end sequel to his gallery in Maui. In addition to his stunning paintings, the gallery will also showcase some of the best versatile, eco-lux furniture designs by Janna M. Phillips of Bohmod, eco-fish tanks, eco-fire places, and eco-water filtration systems. Doolin and Phillips offer new and creative ways to make life aesthetically harmonious in an ever-expanding green movement.
The Fractal Gallery
1884 S. Sepulveda Blvd., Los Angeles CA
(888) 315-6153